lørdag den 25. juni 2011

Things I love

Here are some ideas from pinterest that I just love. Enjoy

This bread box for mobile phones...

Never thought of that... using cookie sheets as a magnetic memo board.

Your favorite spot

Oh, so cute. A turtle baby

And these animals made of marshmellows

Mhh. Look at this dessert. Found here at deliciousdesserts.net/

søndag den 19. juni 2011

Førstehjælp til fantasien

Tina Dalbøge er forholdsvis ny i Blogland og ønsker af fejre sin succes med en fantastisk give away. Check her på linket, hvad du skal gøre for at få fat i den.

lørdag den 18. juni 2011

Kitchen Inspiration

Looking for some new ideas for your kitchen? Here at this link you can find new inspiration. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

tirsdag den 14. juni 2011

Looking for a very special place for vacation? This Hello Kitty house is for rent in Taiwan.